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HomepageResearch Organisations NanotechnologiesCentre for Solid State Physics and new materials, Institute of Physics
Centre for Solid State Physics and new materials, Institute of Physics
Our research interest is mainly concerned with optical spectroscopy of wide group of materials (from semiconductors and high-temperature superconductors to insulators and magnetic materials) including nanosized materials and structures also . The principal interests of the Center are vibrational properties of these materials. Present experimental methods include Raman scattering and optical measurements (from far-infrared to UV spectral range), luminescence measurements, as well as other optical measurements in a wide spectral range under high pressure and low temperature. In addition, electronic properties are investigated using Hall effect experiments. There is also a substantial theoretical effort in computing phonon and magnon dispersion of the materials under investigation. CSSPNM is equipped with different techniques for the synthesis of samples including sintering methods, sol-gel technology, single crystal growth techniques (Bridgeman, Chochralsky, floating zone, etc.), as well as thin-film technology (spattering) including photolithography and impurity doping. The topics in the focus of recent activities are the vibrational and electronic properties of low-dimensional quantum-spin systems (spin-Peierls, spin-ladder and Heisenberg chain materials), the light scattering by spin waves in copper based oxides and impurity effects in semiconductors and high Tc superconductors, light scattering in disordered systems and in nano-compozites, to mention a few. The applied projects of the Center are closely related with the above research topics and deal mainly with the development of optical materials, sensors and other components and devices using thin-film technology. 
Centre for Solid State Physics and new materials, Institute of Physics
DB reference 137
Type Research Institute
Research Area - Nanotechnologies - Materials & Production
Research Projects FP6-INCO-SSA Programme: OPSA- Centre of excellence for optical spectroscopy applications in physics, material science and environmental protection,
Address Pregrevica 118 
City Belgrade
zip 11080
Country Serbia
Name Prof. Dr. Zoran Popovic
Position Director
Phone + 381 11 316 13 85 
Fax   + 381 11 316 21 90