Development of researchers mobility policy guidelines for the region of Western Balkans

HomepageResearch OrganisationsFaculty of Forestry, Wood Processing Department, University of Belgrade
Faculty of Forestry, Wood Processing Department, University of Belgrade
Menagment, mastering change, Operation management 
Faculty of Forestry, Wood Processing Department, University of Belgrade
DB reference 271
Type University
Research Area -
Research Projects Forest industry rehabilitation project - Eastern Serbia, Norvegian Forestry Group AS and Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade 2003-2004 
Address Kneza Viseslava 1 
City Belgrade
zip 11070
Country Serbia
Name Prof. Dr. Milan Nesic
Position D.Sc
Phone + 381 11 319 29 64 
Fax   + 381 11 254 54 85
E-mail mnesic@eunet.yu