Development of researchers mobility policy guidelines for the region of Western Balkans

HomepageResearch Organisations BiotechnologyFaculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad
Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad
Carbohydrate food, food preservation, food biotechnology, pharmaceutical engineering, chemical engineering, oil and petrochemical engineering, polimer material engineering, inorganic material engineering, quality control, biochemical engineering 
Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad
DB reference 336
Type University
Research Area - Health - Food - Biotechnology - Nanotechnologies - Materials & Production - Energy
Research Projects DAAD, TEMPUS, FP-5, WUS Austria, COST, EUREKA 
Address Bulevar Cara Lazara 1 
City Novi Sad
zip 21000
Country Serbia
Name Prof. Dr. Zoltan Zavargo
Position Dean
Phone + 381 21 458 221 + 381 21 458 
Fax   + 381 21 450 413