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HomepageResearch Organisations AgricultureFruit Physiology, Agricultural Research Institute SERBIA, Fruit and Grape Research Centre
Fruit Physiology, Agricultural Research Institute SERBIA, Fruit and Grape Research Centre
The research field is: optimalization of the medium using differing species and concentration of plant growth regulators; long-term storage in vitro cultures under cool conditions, and further culture viability; the influence of retardants - prolonged effect ex vitro; adventive organogenesis from a leaf; androgenesis; genetic specificity of mineral nutrition in vitro; application of chemotherapy in vitro for obtaining virus-free cultivars, fruit reproductive biology, etc. 
Fruit Physiology, Agricultural Research Institute SERBIA, Fruit and Grape Research Centre
DB reference 48
Type Research Institute
Research Area - Agriculture - Biotechnology
Research Projects Laboratory for tissue culture in vitro at the Centre was developed owing to the help, i.e. training by prof. dr P. Rossati from the Instituto do Coltivazioni Arboree, Bologna (Italy). A long-term collaboration has also been established with dr Grazia Marino from the same Institute, as well as with prof. dr Bruno Mezzetti from Dipartimento di Scienzie Ambientali e delle Produzioni Vegetali Universita Politecnica delle Marche, Ankona (Italy). Prof. dr Bruno Mezzetti incited my inclusion into COST 836, the title of action being: 'Euroberry research: From genomics to sustainable production, quality and health'. 
Address Kralja Petra I/9 
City Cacak
zip 32000
Country Serbia
Name Ph.D. Djurdjina Ruzic
Position Head of Section for Scientific Research
Phone + 381 032 227 550 
Fax   Fax: +381 221 391