Development of researchers mobility policy guidelines for the region of Western Balkans

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Socio-economic sciences
select,, p.name_EN, ppv.value_EN, ppv.property_id, p.image_id, p.short_description_EN, p.price_level1, p.price_level2, p.price_level3, p.price_level4, p.price_level5, p.price_level6 from products p, products_programmes pp left join products_properties_values ppv on ( where p.is_active=1 and p.programme_id=13 and order by name_EN asc
Title Description Research Area Country
Serbian Academy of Science and Arts, Institute of Ethnography Serbia and Montenegro, Southeast Europe, ethnology, anthropology, ethnicity, minorities, migrations, everyday life, transition, education  - Socio-economic sciences   Serbia 
Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Institute for Balkan Studies Balkanology, multidisciplinary studies, inter-Balkan relations, Balkans and Western Europe  - Socio-economic sciences   Serbia 
Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Institute of History Studies on Serbian history are organized through several projects which cover different periods as well as various problems.  - Socio-economic sciences   Serbia 
VING d.o.o In conjunction with the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation and Golem Integrated Micro Electronics, we can provide programmes to improve business performance by continuous improvement, using UNIDO Business Performance Software. - IT & Telecom - Socio-economic sciences   Serbia