Development of researchers mobility policy guidelines for the region of Western Balkans

HomepageResearch Organisations NanotechnologiesFaculty of Technology and metallurgy, Department of Polymer Engineering, University "St. Cyril and Methodius
Faculty of Technology and metallurgy, Department of Polymer Engineering, University "St. Cyril and Methodius
Electrochemical formation of polymer films (polyaniline, polythiophene ant its derivatives).
Faculty of Technology and metallurgy, Department of Polymer Engineering, University "St. Cyril and Methodius
DB reference 604
Type University
Research Area - Nanotechnologies - Materials & Production
Research Projects FP6, INCO SSA-3-2004 (negotiation contracts
Address Ruidjer Boskovic 16 
City Skopje
zip 1000
Country FYR of Macedonia
Name Prof. D-r Ljubomir Arsov
Position Professor
Phone +389 (2) 3063167 
Fax   +389 (2) 3065 389